Friday, July 9, 2010

LeBron's decision both good and bad

LeBron James' decision to leave Cleveland and join Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami makes a lot of basketball sense. The way James chose to tell the world of his intentions, on the other hand, made very little.

Certainly there are a lot of LeBron haters out there, who were going to criticize him no matter which direction he decided to take his career. But the fact is the Heat is now the scariest team in the NBA, and Cavs owner Dan Gilbert's proclamation that the Cavs will win a title before LeBron does (he didn't word it so nicely) is ludicrous. I'm not counting on the Heat and their Big 3 to win it all next year, but they'll get close, and I'd bet on them in 2011-12.

In an age when money and fame are seemingly more important to most superstars than winning, LeBron said no thanks to more money in Cleveland and more fame in New York. How do you disparage a guy for that?

The broadcast of "The Decision" on ESPN on Thursday night, however, was a joke. No one player is bigger than the game, or the league, but LeBron made it clear he believes he is with his lame one-hour nationally televised special. He was the most hyped free agent perhaps in the history of American sports, but what's wrong with a simple press release and/or press conference? The whole nation was waiting with bated breath for his announcement, but presidential candidates don't announce their intentions with this much fanfare.

Overall, going to the Heat is a good choice. Announcing it the way he did was not.

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1 comment:

Scott Barrett said...

As our regular readers know, I'm a LeBron hater from way back. I hope he never wins a championship, although he's put himself in the best position possible.

That being said, no way Miami wins it all next year. Three guys don't make a team. Team defense proves huge in the playoffs, and the Heat don't even know who their fifth starter will be.

Also, put the newest Big Three against the Lakers, the defending champs. I like Artest against LeBron, Kobe on Wade and Gasol on Bosh. After that, Fisher and Chalmers is a toss up, and if Bynum is healthy, he puts L.A. over the top.

The Heat are bound to win a title in these next five years, but until they get a few more pieces of the puzzle.

As far as the special, I'm with everyone else in thinking it was silly, self-absorbing and pointless. But hey, this will be the last time he'll be able to do this in his career .... live it up.