Friday, August 13, 2010

Love those Rex-pletives

Rex Ryan issued an apology Thursday for what some would call excessive profanity he used in the debut of the HBO series, “Hard Knocks,” which follows the New York Jets and their coach through training camp.

Thankfully, Ryan gave no indication he was going to clean up the language.

Ryan and his foul mouth are unquestionably the stars of the show. For him to tone it down to a PG-13 level would ruin it, and negate the benefit of HBO, where pretty much anything goes.

I consider myself something of an aficionado of foul language, a connoisseur of cursing, if you will. I appreciate a good F-bomb as much as anybody, and Rex dropped enough in the first show to make a grandmother faint. I have absolutely no interest in the New York Jets, but I couldn’t help but watch. Whenever Rex was on screen, I eagerly anticipated the next hilarious thing that was going to come out of his big, fat mouth.

It took all of about 10 seconds into the show for him to start cursing, and I was hooked. Some may think he was hamming it up for the cameras, but my guess is that was just Rex being Rex. As someone who’s been in a few NFL locker rooms, trust me, by no means are Rex and the Jets unique in their dialogue. The only thing more prevalent than naked fat guys in an NFL locker room are the swear words flying back and forth like a gunfight.

So if you find Sexy Rexy offensive (which is perfectly understandable), don’t watch. Because no matter how much people complain, Rex isn’t changing.

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