Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tough times at the Y

The honor system has always intrigued me. When I was in college, there was a tiny golf course two towns away that had a box for money - $9 a round. I always paid, mostly because it was the right thing to do and partly because I was always nervous to find out what happened if I didn't and got caught.

The honor system doesn't always work, though. Case in point was at the Newport County YMCA on Wednesday night. The new year always brings out an abundance of hopeful people wanting to make good on those resolutions. There's never enough machines, and people can get frustrated by that.

When I walked in, there was one woman in front of me on the dry erase board, signifying those waiting for a treadmill. I put my name down and jumped on an exercise bike. When it was my turn, I was getting ready to erase my name, and this guy went to jump on. People informed him that I was next, and he came over to put his name on the dry-erase board.

"What do I have to do?" he asks me. "Just write your name and what time it is," I reply. By this point, he's six or seventh in line. I jump on the treadmill and start my run, yet out of the corner of my eye, I see someone else finishing up. There was a girl who signed up right behind me, but instead of her getting on the treadmill, it was the same kid who tried to take mine.

I was sort of furious and wanted to say something, but clearly that's not my place. And the girl really didn't have the guts to confront him. After waiting at least 25 minutes, she got on a treadmill (right next to me, actually).

"That guy jumped in front of everyone," I said to her. "Yeah, but whatever," she replied. Clearly she wasn't as bothered by it as I was. I think I was bothered by it only because one of two things occured: 1) He's a complete scumbag who knew what he was doing or 2) He's an utter imbecile who couldn't solve the easy dry-erase board system. I don't know which is worse.

As if that wasn't enough, on my way out of the workout room, I went to dump my water bottle into the recycling bin. On the bin is a sign that clearly says, "NO PLASTIC CUPS." Lo and behold, what we do have in the bin? About 10 plastic cups and nothing else.

Look, this next few weeks aren't going to be pleasant at the YMCA. The staff is doing their best to try to accomodate everyone, but machines break. That's life. Your time isn't any more precious than anyone else there, so wait your turn to get on a machine and find out where plastic cups go and put them there. Courtesy tends to go a long way.

Being more courteous is a great New Year's Resolution.

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