Monday, May 4, 2009

More proof that boxing is dead

Did anyone see the Manny Pacquiao-Ricky Hatton fight on Saturday night? I didn’t, for two reasons.

1. I’m not paying $50 to watch a fight on pay-per-view.

2. I’m certainly not paying to watch one 92-pound boxer fight another 92-pound boxer.

This is a perfect example of why not many people really care about boxing. The sport's premier weight class (heavyweight) has nothing to offer, and the fight of the year (so far) is the so-called pound-for-pound best fighter in the world vs. a white British guy. And it doesn’t last two rounds, which should come as no surprise.

Pay-per-view killed this sport. It was bad enough when it was just on HBO or Showtime, but then all you had to do was go to a buddy’s house to watch it. Now, even if you did get some friends to come over and chip in toward the $50, would you have been happy you spent that money?

On the other hand, if the fight had been on network, cable or satellite TV, would you have watched? 

I would have. 

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