Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What's bothering me today?

OK, every now and again, when the wide world of sports seems a bit mundane, I like to ramble about things that get under my skin, and the steps needed to correct them.

Today, it's bicyclists. Are these the single most annoying people in the world? And I'm not even talking about their skin-tight getups they wear to ride a bike. My biggest issue is the fact that they ride in the middle of the road, as if they're a car. Sure, they go pretty fast (25 or 30 if they're on a downhill), but they're not cars, and they're holding people up.

Not only that, but sometimes they obey the rules motorists have to obey, like stopping at a red light, yet sometimes the blow right through it. These guys (and girls) are outlaws who want it both ways.

I understand that most town and city budgets don't have the room to remake all the roads with bike lanes, but the cyclists in this town are unbearable. For example, I'm driving down Memorial Boulevard, and in front of me is one guy on a bike in one lane, and another on another bike in the other lane ... honestly, they're moving 25 an hour, and I'm screaming unmentionables.

Nothing is going to be done about it, and I get that. Just needed to vent a bit. Oh, and the other thing bothering me today is people who spell words differently. Two examples are: hawt and kewl. Please don't do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rather valuable message