Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why does everyone hate Duke?

Sheila poses a good question, the same one that posed to former Blue Devil Christian Laettner earlier this week by Jim Rome: Why does Duke have so many haters? They're well coached and they're a classy program. What's not to like?


SheilaM said...

Maybe Coach K is overexposed ... you know, all those commercials. Puh-leez!

SheilaM said...

p.s. what did laettner have to say?

Scott Barrett said...

So for the same reason everyone outside of Indianapolis hates Peyton Manning? But would you rather root for a bunch of thugs?

Scott Barrett said...

Funny you should ask, he said, "I guess people just don't like to see the same team win all the time. I find myself rooting against Tiger Woods, even though I respect him as a golfer." Strange analogy, but I guess if it works for him.

SheilaM said...

I did root for Peyton Manning ... to lose against the Patriots. It's kind of fun when Superman has his kryptonite.

Scott Barrett said...

Um .... that's still a sore subject with me, seeing as though the Patriots would have whipped the Bears that year in the Super Bowl. And now I can't say, "Peyton, such a good QB, but he'll never win a Super Bowl."

SheilaM said...

Sore subject? Try losing four Super Bowls in a row. You Patriots fans are spoiled. Kind of like Duke fans. Now I'm totally rooting for Belmont ... if only for the Bills!

SheilaM said...

BTW, USC is totally going to kill me. My one wild pick, taking them to go to the Elite Eight behind their superstar freshman. Visions of Melo danced in my head. I should have been looking at Beasley. Oh well.

Scott Barrett said...

How does the conversation always turn back to the Buffalo Bills? You people need to overcome that at some point, right?

SheilaM said...

Wow. Belmont's up by 1. Go Bruins!

SheilaM said...

Yeah, probably. But it doesn't help us move on when fans whose team won THREE Super Bowls recently lament the latest (or first) loss. It's kind of a badge of honor for us, you know, like Red Sox fans before 2004.

Scott Barrett said...

I still blame the whole thing on Thurman Thomas losing his helmet.